Pillar 1 : Real 'Tale' Experience


The buzzword in the Retail Industry is the “Experience” and at OWC we ask:

What are clients really posting, what is the real experience?        

Yes, what exactly is the Real 'Tale’ being spoken, shared, or reviewed by each person walking through your door or purchased your brand?  How do they feel? What do they say? What are they REALLY posting about the experience?  

Together, OWC and your Team will create a custom ‘EEG’ Excellent Experience Guide that is 100% true to you. 'EEG’ is an innovative design and structured frame with a calm, cool and confident energy for your store and your brand. 

This new professional authentic Real 'Tale' experience will be passed through the CONNECTION driving your clients to recommend proudly your store or brand.

That’s the Real 'Tale’ Experience.

OWC & your team together will custom the “EEG” Excellent Experience Guide delivering a genuine, professional and authentic experience every time.